DPV Health & Safety
Our COVID-19 Response
Your safety means our success.
In the business of moving other businesses forward, your safety determines our success. DPV Transportation Worldwide is committed to the wellbeing of our employees, clients, affiliates, and guests, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. We have been working tirelessly to implement new procedures to ensure our staff and passengers’ safety. We are working to provide a safe essential transportation service to our community— including first-responders, grocery store workers, medical professionals, and senior living associations.
The only way to move forward is safely.
Amid evolving public health challenges, DPV remains dedicated to providing safe, equitable, and sustainable transportation to our clients and guests. We moved quickly to respond to COVID-19, guided by Public Health, including the following for our valued passengers:
- Sanitizing high-touch surfaces on all vehicles between each trip
- Additional daily deep sanitizing of all vehicles
- Equipping chauffeurs and team members with PPE, including face shields, masks, and gloves
- Checking temperatures of all chauffeurs and team members before they enter any facility or vehicle
- Training all chauffeurs and team members on best health practices
- Minimizing contact between passengers and chauffeurs
- Requesting that all riders wear masks in all our vehicles
- Limiting capacity to designated seats on all vehicles
- Enforcing social distancing guidelines on all vehicles, using marks that indicate where to stand
- Directing able passengers to enter and exit buses through the rear doors
- Educating our clients, passengers, affiliates and public about disinfecting process
In addition to all of the above measures, we’ve taken the below precautions to protect our highly trained team members:
- Directing office stay employees to work from home
- Encouraging higher-risk employees to stay home and follow social distancing practices
- Creating Special schedules for essential personnel
- Optimizing space use and enforcing social distancing measures for all essential personnel
For additional details, on the thorough safety protocols that we have put into place to move you forward safety, please download our latest COVID-19 response here.